Friday, December 5, 2014

Stories Told

Standing on the edge of no where. I look to the clouds to see which way the wind pushes them. Wondering what form they will be shaped in a moment from now. Listening to the river as it splashes past the rocks on it's way down stream. Wonder who's hands it may have past through up stream. Knowing some where out there I am not alone. I have watched as the evening sky was painted in beautiful colors of blues, purples, pinks and yellow of many shades to never be painted the same ever again. Some sunsets are painted in orange, reds and yellows. Guess it depends on the artists mood that evening. To watch the reflections of the many colors as they change in the waters is amazing to me. Listen to the sound of the silence. Though if you listen closely there's so many sounds to hear. To be one with all that surrounds me is where I find me. There's so many stories told here. As you start to notice logs laying on the ground and the stumps near by where it parted from. Thinking of their stories of how they came to be and where it has landed...... truth be told Mother Nature's hand was here. As I close my eyes I wander down my path to a new beginning...... Every step takes me to new places and to learn by every moment is amazing to me about life. I am forever Whipperwill and my heart forever dances in the flames of a dream that has no end.

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