Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Eyes As Taught By My Elders

I love to watch the sunset as it colors the beautiful waters as the sun sets to sleep for the night. Knowing the colors will never be the same ever again. To splash the colors upon a moment that too will never return. Is there ever anything that will remain the same for life? Think about that...... I believe there isn't. Everything changes! It never remains the same. My elders have taught me to understand what I see are visions told to me by those who know where I am in life, what is my life and if I use my elders words and all they taught me to listen to. I can see the years of the knowledge from my eyes by listening with my heart. For every living thing has a purpose in my life. They have been given to my world for a reason that only I should know what they could be. But with out my elders I would have been blind of all that's there, being offered to me. I am Whipperwill and my heart forever dances in the flames of a dream that has no end.

1 comment:

  1. we learn much from our elders , and we greatly miss them and their knowledge when they pass
