Sunday, November 9, 2014

My Shadow's Dance

My heart forever dances in the flames of a dream of the days so many, many years before when my life was in another. As I danced to the beats of the drums of my native tongue. My shadows cast my movements upon my lodge that was shared by many. It is there where my true heart hears every spirit that comes to my flames. Gathering more wood to keep the flames burning to cast the shadows that are known only to me. But you are welcome to join me in your own flames you have collected. I have walked many paths to become the heart I have in my world today. To know that this is not where I belong but back then I was truely alive in myself. I crave to live in that life I once belonged but know that can never be. My world of then has flamed my dreams of today and laid upon my feet this path of going back to the days that find me casting my shadows as I listen with an open heart to the drumming of the message that lays in their sound. The night is beautiful and the shadows are mine to share in my flames. My lodge protects me as the tatanka that spirit lays within, it's remains forever engraved on my soul. So as I place more wood on my fire that burns within. Forever to hear the beat of the drums, casting my shadows as my Heart that Forever Dances in the Flames of a Dream that has no End. I am Whipperwill........ (Photo Provided By John Brecht...... my dear friend... Thank You!)

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