Sunday, November 16, 2014

Walk To The Edge Of Time

As I walk to the edge of time, I look past all the wants my heart craves for. Knowing all to well that the flames from a fire in my dreams will keep me warm. All the cold from the winter will fall around me. Loving what the fog lays on the branches making the coldness into amazing beauty. The closer I get to the edge the more my heart desires. It will all come with time in a dream...... tell me it is so. With the wind tossing my hair into my face I brush away a tear that lays on my cheek for the hope that lays heavy on my heart. Life will be beautiful once dreams are fulfilled. So I have been told. Now I look back and my fire is still a blazed with amber's glowing brightly. As long as I continue to feed the fire of my dreams they will never disappear. As I place my hands to shade my face to look ahead to visualize what path my feet may wander upon...... a smile comes to my lips as I know it will be amazing and the best is yet to come. Today my dreams will be my future of my tomorrows. Life is amazing. I am Whipperwill and my heart forever dances in the heart of a dream that has no end.


  1. Thank You I have many that I have written. You are more than Welcome to read them
