My baby girl, "Amanda Rae" is my last baby born. We was living on Indiana Avenue, in Caldwell, Idaho in April of 1989.
Jeremy will turn 12 years old this year in June. Stephanie would turn 3 years old in December. So she was almost 2 and a half at this time.
I was living with a boy-friend, Joel (another story)(NO he was not Amanda's dad.) My nephew, Eric was also living at my place.
Just before Mid-night of April 22, 1989 I decided something was happening, I determined I was in LABOR. You see with every single one of my 3 babies, Jeremy was the only one that I had, mind you...just 1 contraction. Why was this like this for me? NOT A CLUE!
My son, Jeremy was exactly 2 weeks early to the day. Stephanie was exactly 2 weeks plus 1 day early. And my Amanda ended up being 1 day short of being 2 weeks early. And everyone of my babies came really fast. Dr. Carlson said I should move into the Birthing Center to be on the safe side. He was just joking.
Jeremy wanted to be there when this little baby was born too. And he was right there again through the whole thing to see his baby sister be born! These girls are the luckiest girls in the world to have Jeremy as their brother.
Dr. Carlson was out of town at this time. There was a replacement just in case I went early. That doctor didn't make it in time either. Mind you we had to go to Nampa where the New Birthing Center was. This baby was going to be born in a BATH TUB! Yes, it was new to the State of Idaho, "Water Birth".
My mom, oh my gosh, freaked out when she learned what I was going to do! She told me that it was too new to take that chance. But I was doing it anyway.
Nurse Hazel was there to meet me. Joel stayed home with Stephanie. Eric drove me and Jeremy there. He stayed in the waiting area. This is not a hospital. It was after mid-night, in the early, early morning of April 23, 1989.
Nurse Hazel helped me into the tub of nice warm water with jets. Ah... it was so nice and smoothing. She had called the replacement doctor, thinking there would be time for him to get there. This doctor didn't arrive until every thing was said and done. This beautiful Nurse Hazel was the one who delivered this baby. Under the BEST!!!
Nurse hazel brought this new little girl into the world. Placed her on my chest. Finished doing the rest of the rest. Then she hand her to Jeremy. And again... his eyes sparkled and his face was aglow. Big brother and the best there was! This baby girl was the 6th. one in the State of Idaho born under water. The first 10 babies got a letter and a certificate from Idaho Governor Cecil Andrus. And those 10 babies also got plaques placed at the Idaho Capital Building with there names as being "Idaho Miracle Babies".
We had not come up with a name for this new little girl. We didn't know if she was going to be a girl or a boy. Jeremy never got a brother. But he is the best brother these 2 little girls could every have! I was so afraid that she couldn't come home yet, with out a name! But she did. We were back home by 6:00 that same morning. A new little girl with out a name. Searching for the prefect name was not easy. My sister stoled the names I had picked out years before, Brandi and Desirae.
My nephew, Eric is the one who named was the PERFECT NAME.
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