Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Took Nike (my grandson) To The "Walking With Dinosaurs"

At this time Nike was a not quite 2 months from being 5 years old. On January 8th. 2009 the awesome show "Walking With Dinosaurs- The Arena Spectacular Show" was at the Idaho Center here in Nampa, Idaho. My husband had bought tickets for this show for Nike and I. This was our birthday present for our little guy! The NEATEST THING EVER!
I had Amanda Rae (my youngest daughter) ride over with me. Nike has never gone anywhere with me before. I knew that it would be easier for him if she was with me. When I picked her up a light came on my dash (my thoughts was CRAP now what). Off to Boise we went to get Nike.
When we got there, we loaded Nike and his seat into my car and a way we went. Nike and I were just so excited. the first light we got to....a couple of blocks from my sons place, and yes, with cars behind me....MY CAR DIED! OMG
I started to cry. This was a dream come true that just turned into a nightmare! NO! This couldn't be happening. There was a lady behind me and a gentleman behind her. They jumped out of their cars to help push me out of the middle of the road.
They lady gave a Amanda a ride back to Jeremy's house. I was still crying like crazy when my daughter-in-law came to pick Nike and I up. Dreams shattered into billions of pieces. On our way back to the house we past Jeremy and Amanda on their way to get us. So we pulled over and they had pulled in to the same parking lot as us.
Then I hear the story how my son (bless his soul) had farted in the car and wouldn't let Amanda roll her window down. Poor girl she was dying in there. son...I Love My Son, took Nike and I to the Idaho Center and dropped us off.
Nike and I was just in ahhhhhhhhhh with the whole show. When the Dino's roared the building shook. The long necks were the nearest of all they were all life size and so real to life. The show was amazing. Nike got scared a couple of times when there was such a roar Nike would be up in my lap but he Loved Every Minute of this show. Together we made a memory that will last our life times!

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